Media Coverage

04-23-15 “A Deep-Water Port’s Key Importance to New England’s Energy Fortunes,” National Journal

12-15-14 “Sims Metal at home on waterfront,” Providence Business News

08-10-14 “Port with potential,” Editorial, Providence Journal

08-06-14 “Zoning change a victory for waterfront industrial businesses,” Providence Business News

08-06-14 “Mayor Taveras Signs Landmark Zoning Amendment to Protect Providence’s Working Waterfront,” Press Release, City of Providence

02-26-14 “Pass the salt,” Editorial, Providence Journal 

01-30-14 “John Everson: Thriving waterfront belies attack,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

08-28-13 “Rhode Island ranks high in scrap exports,” Providence Business News

11-07-11 “New plans for rezoning waterfront,” Providence Business News

10-21-11 “One growing sector,” Editorial, Providence Journal

05-26-11 “Sweet sound of scrap,” Editorial, Providence Journal

01-24-11 “Donald Church: How barge industry is crucial to Rhode Island,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

08-29-10 “R.I.’s future maritime jobs,” Editorial, Providence Journal

08-27-10 “Building on R.I.’s vast maritime strengths,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

07-01-10 “Keeping commerce at the Port of Providence,” Letter to the Editor, Warwick Beacon

06-22-10 “Threatening port again,” Editorial, Providence Journal

05-29-10 “Joel Cohen/Burton Russell/John Everson: Mixed waterfront use a flop,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

05-17-10 “Competing visions along city waterfront,” Providence Business News

05-12-10 “City panel OKs waterfront zoning change,” Providence Business News

05-10-10 “Disputed waterfront plan nearing council decision,” Providence Business News

03-28-10 “Bay plays major commercial role,” Providence Journal

03-13-10 “New Bedford’s back to shipping,” Editorial, Providence Journal

03-01-10 “Allens Avenue tries to map out its future,” Eastside Monthly

12-18-09 “Mark Binder: Don’t mall waterfront,” Letter to the Editor, Providence Journal

12-17-09 “Plans for Allens Avenue cut back,” Providence Journal

12-16-09 “Commission shrinks waterfront plan area,” Providence Business News

12-03-09 “Proposed waterfront protection zone draws mixed reviews,” NBC 10 News

12-03-09 “Putting Lipstick on Allens Ave.,” Rhode Island’s Future Blog

12-02-10 “Waterfront property one key to a bright Providence future,” Editorial Column, Cranston Herald

11-29-09 “Providence officials, businesses at odds over plan for Allens Avenue waterfront,” Providence Journal

11-22-09 “Condemning R.I. jobs,” Editorial, Providence Journal

11-08-09 “Brighter at the port,” Editorial, Providence Journal

10-01-09 “Video: Providence Developer Bails,” NBC 10 News

09-28-09 “Providence Torpedos Its Maritime Economy,” Rhode Island’s Future Blog

09-25-09 “The promise of the port” Letter to the Editor, Providence Journal

09-25-09 “A working waterfront,” Editorial, Providence Journal

09-22-09 “R.I. port commission considers development plan,” Projo 7 to 7 News Blog

08-31-09 “Conley abandoning waterfront hotel and condo plan,” Providence Business News

08-26-09 “Editorial: Short-shipping site?,” Editorial, Providence Journal

08-26-09 “Conley looks to sell waterfront property,” Providence Journal

08-25-09 “Providence City Hall Ignores Journal’s Calls for Working Waterfront Development,” Rhode Island’s Future Blog

08-25-09 “NYC’s precious port,” Editorial, Providence Journal

07-30-09 “Modernizing ports,” Editorial, Providence Journal

06-28-09 “David A. Cohen: Developer Conley threatens port jobs,” Letter to the Editor, Providence Journal

05-24-09 “Let’s Balance Need for Jobs, Recreation on Narragansett Bay,” WRNI On Politics Blog

05-17-09 “Mapping a new way to sea lane success,” Editorial, Providence Business News

05-17-09 “Short sea shipping support growing,” Providence Business News

04-04-09 “Rezone by all means, just do it right,” Editorial, Providence Business News

04-04-09 “Reassessing R.I.’s industrial ports,” Providence Business News

03-20-09 “Special commission is reviewing economic potential of Rhode Island’s ports,” Providence Journal

03-10-09 “Protecting our ports,” Editorial, Providence Journal

03-08-09 “Non-maritime, artisan businesses opening at the Providence port are making some uneasy,” Providence Journal

03-07-09 “Waterfront bill would expand CRMC’s jurisdiction,” Providence Business News

03-04-09 “Mayor Cicilline is Wrong on the Working Waterfront,” Rhode Island’s Future Blog

03-04-09 “‘Working waterfronts’ bill criticized by other businesses,” Providence Journal

03-03-09 “Video: Bill would protect state’s working waterfronts,” NBC 10 News

03-03-09 “Support the RI Working Waterfronts Protection Act,” Rhode Island’s Future Blog

03-03-09 “Dick West: Aye, aye, Achorn!,” Letter to the Editor, Providence Journal

01-22-09 “Propelling the ports,” Editorial, Providence Journal

01-20-09 “Edward Achorn: Growing hope for R.I. ports,” Editorial Column, Providence Journal

01-14-09 “Lawmakers reconsider Quonset port,” Providence Journal

01-12-09 “Port development should be advanced ,” Editorial, Providence Business News

12-17-08 “‘Family’ shipyard in Providence keeps commercial boats shipshape,” Video, Providence Journal

12-16-08 “Keith Stokes: Rhode Island needs master infrastructure plan to make future economic development possible,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

12-16-08 “Grafton Wiley: It’s time for Rhode Island to get serious about surviving and thriving in the 21st century,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

12-08-08 “Charles V. Bagli: N.Y. opts for jobs over port gentrification,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

11-21-08 “David Carroll: Working ports: The beautiful sound of jobs in R.I.,”  Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

11-17-08 “4 themes for helping R.I.,” Editorial, Providence Journal

11-15-08 “Paul Maziarz: More reasons for big R.I. ports,” Letter to the Editor, Providence Journal

11-07-08 “Mr. Welch’s warning,” Editorial, Providence Journal

10-21-08 “Wet highways,” Editorial, Providence Journal

10-04-08 “Roberta Houllahan: Save the working waterfront,” Letter to the Editor, Providence Journal

09-29-08 “Industrial uses are not in official mix for Providence waterfront,”  Opinion Editorial, Providence Business News

09-26-08 “Protect Providence’s working waterfront,” Pulse of the Ports series, Opinion Editorial, New Bedford Standard Times

09-26-08 “Five Questions With: Thom Deller,” Providence Business News

09-25-08 “Providence lays out options for uses of waterfront,” Providence Journal

09-24-08 “VIDEO: Tug-of-War Continues Over Plans for Providence Waterfront,” ABC 6

09-22-08 “Planning crucial on waterfront,” Providence Business News

08-04-08 “Providence River dredging clearing the way for ships,” Providence Business News

08-03-08 “Conley versus good jobs,” Editorial, Providence Journal

07-28-08 “Edward Achorn: R.I. port policy a festival of folly,” Editorial Column, Providence Journal

06-30-08 “Community discussion leading to waterfront change,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Business News

06-29-08 “A port authority,” Editorial, Providence Journal

06-14-08 “We need these $60K jobs,” Editorial, Providence Journal

06-13-08 “Housing on city waterfront rejected at charette,” Providence Journal

06-11-08 “Cape Verdeans enter fray over waterfront plan,” Providence Journal

06-10-08 “The waterfront is now as it should be,” Editorial, Providence Business News

06-10-08 “Public gets say on waterfront,” Providence Business News

06-10-08 “4 scenarios laid out for future of city waterfront,” Providence Journal

06-10-08 “Will neighbors object?Providence Journal

06-09-08 “7 waterfront firms pay $5M in R.I., city taxes,” Providence Business News

06-09-08 “Vying waterfront interests to share 4-day symposium,” Providence Journal

06-07-08 “Ports in a pickle,” Editorial, Providence Journal

05-02-08 “R.I. Supreme Court backs Promet Marine in land dispute with City of Providence,” Providence Business News

05-01-08 “Ships instead of trucks,” Editorial, Providence Journal

03-31-08 “Promet deserves to keep its property,” Editorial, Providence Business News

03-31-08 “R.I. Supreme Court rules for waterfront business,” Providence Business News

03-31-08 “Short sea shipping the wave of the future?The Standard Times

03-30-08 “Rich DeSimone: In choppy economic seas, shipping enjoys boom times,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

03-21-08 “Ben Mazzotta: Bring short sea shipping to Providence,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

03-21-08 “Supreme Court rules against Providence in land purchase,” Providence Journal

03-05-08 “Collapse of the Condo Economy,” Editorial, Providence Journal

02-29-08 “Bill to create ports study commission passes Senate,” Providence Journal

02-25-08 “Providence is a possible hub for short sea shipping,” Providence Business News

02-09-08 “Legislative panel to study port possibilities,” Providence Journal

01-11-08 “Julie A. Gill: ‘Providence Tomorrow’ plan vs. our energy security,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

12-26-07 “In Providence, a Waterfront Promoter Finds Opponents,” New York Times

12-18-07 “Ship it south of Route 95,” Editorial, Providence Journal

12-17-07 “Stacking the waterfront?,” Editorial, Providence Journal

12-08-07 “Jack Goodison: Look at Boston for port model,” Letter to the Editor, Providence Journal

11-29-07 “For RISD students, it’s on the waterfront,” Providence Journal

11-27-07 “Tiffany C. Smythe: Models for working waterfronts,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

11-27-07 “RISD team offers input for waterfront debate,” Providence Journal

11-21-07 “Planners OK revisions to Comprehensive Plan,” Providence Journal

11-09-07 “Ellis Waldman: City comprehensive plan a job killer,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Journal

11-06-07 “City approves development plan despite protesters,” Brown Daily Herald

11-02-07 “Comprehensive Plan gets initial OK from council,” Providence Journal

11-01-07 “First passage expected for new Comprehensive Plan,” Providence Journal

10-29-07 “Working waterfront should remain so,” Editorial, Providence Business News

10-29-07 “Promet leads fight to keep industry on the Providence waterfront,” Providence Business News

10-23-07 “Comprehensive Plan slated to go before Providence City Council Nov. 1,” Providence Journal

10-23-07 “Thriving waterfront provides crucial jobs,” Letter to the editor, Providence Journal

10-19-07 “On the waterfront, a developing Ocean State,” Providence Journal

10-17-07 “Clash on the Providence waterfrontProvidence Phoenix

10-16-07 “City Council calls for modifications to waterfront plan,” Providence Journal

10-09-07 “Beacon in Baltimore,” Editorial, Providence Journal

10-08-07 “Storage facilities provide irreplaceable energy source,” Opinion Editorial, Providence Business News

10-04-07 “Waterfront businesses criticize Providence’s plan,” Brown Daily Herald

10-02-07 “Businesses join forces to oppose mixed-use zone on the harbor,” Providence Journal

10-01-07 “DAVE NOTARIANNI: Conley’s empire building,” Letter to the editor, Providence Journal

09-28-07 “Missing the boat,” Editorial, Providence Journal

09-23-07 “A Storm in the Port,” Providence Journal

09-17-07 “Businesses Fighting For The Waterfront,” Providence Business News

09-16-07 “Joel Cohen: Protect Providence’s Working Waterfront,” Op-Ed, Providence Journal

09-14-07- “Waterfront Businesses Fighting Influx of Residential Development,” Providence Journal

09-13-07 Segment on the threat to Providence’s working waterfront, NBC 10 News at 11

09-13-07- “New Group Aims To Defend Industrial Waterfront,” Providence Business News

09-06-07- “Port protection,” Editorial, Providence Journal

08-24-07 – “Comprehensive Plan update gets initial approval,” Providence Journal

08-10-07 – “A waterfront that works,” Editorial, Providence Journal

December 2006 – “Making the Waterfront Work: A Case for True Mixed-Use Redevelopment of Providence Harbor,” 41°N, a publication of Rhode Island Sea Grant and the University of Rhode Island Coastal Institute

Press Releases