Working Waterfront Alliance member Jack Goodison has a letter to the editor in today’s Providence Journal about how Boston has protected and invested in its marine industrial resources:
As city planners work on the details of Providence’s comprehensive plan, they should look to what Boston has done to protect working-waterfront areas.
In the 1970s and ’80s Boston purchased former military bases on the outskirts of Boston Harbor in South Boston. Resisting condo and hotel developers, the city chose to invest in and protect its deep-water marine resources. That investment is now paying off. In September of this year, the city approved a $130 million Boston Cargo Terminal project that will provide multi-modal ocean, rail, truck and air transportation for bulk cargo, seafood-processing and warehouse businesses.
The city is also promoting its Boston Marine Industrial Park, which has recently received several proposals from developers.
Combined, Boston’s marine industrial facilities house 180 businesses that employ 3,000 workers.
We could have the same success in Providence, if only our city planners would recognize the value of the deep-water channel we have right here in Providence Harbor.