Providence Working Waterfront Alliance Statement Supporting the Creation of a Special Legislative Commission to Study Economic Opportunities Relating to Port Development in the State of Rhode Island
February 6, 2008
The Providence Working Waterfront Alliance supports Senate Resolution No. 2099 and the establishment of a special legislative commission to study economic opportunities relating to port development in Rhode Island.
With international shipping volumes exploding and the growth of new shipping techniques such as short sea shipping, Rhode Island’s ports, including the Port of Providence, are perfectly situated to take advantage of these trends. If properly protected and promoted, Rhode Island’s ports can continue to grow and serve as an economic engine for our state by providing thousands of high paying jobs and supplying our region’s energy and raw materials needs.
We appreciate the leadership of Sen. Paul Moura on this issue, and we look forward to working closely with the study commission to develop a plan to protect and promote the Ocean State’s tremendous port resources.